VeigaCapital UK is a specialised payroll management company established by a group of experienced professionals.

We built a comprehensive solution factoring in the complex process that goes into paying your employees correctly and on time. We are an efficient company that aims to work alongside you to free the time and resources you need to focus on the development of your business. Our team consists of experienced Payroll Professionals, CIPP (The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals) qualified.
Our outsourcing service caters for small, medium, and large corporations.

Because when you grow … we grow

Save time and decrease costs

Legislation Compliance

Reduce error margin

Increase employee satisfaction

Allocate resources and focus on the growth of your business


By choosing  Veiga Capital UK we will work together in a perfectly integrated manner so you can get the best results you need but saving you time, money and hard work.

The processing of payroll can be very daunting and time consuming when all other areas of the business have a high demand that may impact on business performance. It can also become costly and lead to staff dissatisfaction when errors occur, and fines might incur from not being up to date with legislation requirements. If the staff turnover is high and a payroll manager leaves, you might not be able to replace as quickly or you see yourself having to replace with a less experienced or knowledgeable worker. This puts pressure on your business and growth might be affected. By outsourcing your payroll, you guarantee that you have the time to focus on your business and with an outsourcing payroll you do not have to worry with any of the above as all of this is taken care of. Your employees will be paid on time and accurately, your company stays compliant, and you can allocate these resources on other areas.

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